Jason's Story: How Jason removed chronic back, got in shape, & got his life back!
Here is one of our local warriors Jason, who contacted me (I was coaching his wife at the time) because he couldn't even put his socks on...
Healthy Homemade (Chicken Optional) Shish Kebabs
Not sure about you but I really enjoy a TASTY kebab Especially gyros and the like Of course back in the day I would have enjoyed a...
Fat (Weight) Loss Cheat Sheet - Build Strength, Tone Up, & Feel Good!
If you want to lose weight, tone up, and see some shape and muscle definition ? Want to see your abs? And tone what you may call the...
Sat's Story: How he upgraded his body & mind and got his life back!
One of the most common issues I see with a lot of new starters is... Those all too common aches and pains well, most of these people are...